If you missed any of the previous posts, find them at the links below.
Part I Part II Part III
As promised in Part III, I am going to answer the 4 questions you have all been asking and finally reveal how lifting less weight can help you get huge.
Question 1: Why did it take 4 posts to get to this one point?
I broke the topic into 4 parts for two separate reasons.
- It involved math and I didn't want your brain to explode. If you are offended by this -- too bad. I know my audience better than you do.
- I wanted YOU to actually think about this topic -rather than have me simply give you the answer.
Question 2: Does lifting light weight faster make me bigger than lifting heavy weight slower?
You are not going to like this answer ....
I am sure you are thinking, "Why did you just waste my time making me read all these meaningless posts?"
In fact, I know you are.
So here is why:
The act of lifting light weight faster will not make you bigger than lifting heavy weight slower.
It is residual benefits of lifting light weight faster than will make you bigger.
First off, by moving light weight faster, you have a better means of increasing your ability to generate force.
(There is only so fast you can move a really heavy object).
The more force you are able to generate, the heavier weight you will be able to move.
So, by moving light weight explosively, you improve your ability to move heavy weight --> which will help you get HUGE.
Secondly, there is only so long that your body can handle the grind of moving heavy weight, day after day, week after week.
Eventually, you will either break down or get injured.
So, by incorporating speed lifts into your training program, you keep your joints healthy and your body fresh.
At the same time, you give yourself a chance to improve technique on the core lifts.
The net result is a reduced chance of injury.
I am no genius, but I do know that getting injured usually impedes your ability to lift weights. And as far as I know, not lifting weights is a good way NOT to get HUGE.
Hence, lift less - get huge.
If you still doubt me, think about how many guys you know who are injured right now from lifting.
They were probably make huge gains, getting jacked up, and then BAM - they blew out their back or shoulder.
Maybe that guy is you?

Question 3: Does this mean I never have to lift heavy weight again?
Keep lifting heavy weight.
If you are anything like me, moving heavy weight is what you live for.
The only thing you need to do is to incorporate speed work into your program.
At Advanced Training, we are currently alternating heavy and speed lifting sessions.
If you have no idea what speed lifting is, don't worry.
Its simple to explain and execute.
Essentially, you do everything you would with a normal heavy lift, except you move the weight more quickly due to the lighter load.
Keep the reps to a minimum, as you do not want to lose the ability to generate speed (aka acceleration)
Here is a quick video of a speed deadlift.
(Please excuse the poor quality - I had some technical difficulties that day).
Question 4: What do the guys from the Jersey Shore do? Why are they so jacked?
I highly doubt those guys are doing speed lifts.
My guess is that they lift lighter weights but at higher volume and much more slowly.
(As opposed to this discussion, where we are lifting light weights, at a low volume, and very quickly)
Its what makes their muscles big, but not highly functional for sports.
If you want to read more on this topic, read the fan favorite Humbled At The Jersey Shore
Wrap - Up
If you want to get HUGE, you need to continue to get stronger and stay healthy.
An effective means of doing this is to incorporate speed lifts into your training program.
All you need to remember is F = ma.
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