How Much Ya Bench?

Think before you answer that.

The person who asked is going to make full judgement of you based on the answer.

If it's too low, they will immediately lose all respect for you.
They may even point and laugh.

If its too high, they will assume you take steroids or that you are lying?

What's people's obsession with bench pressing anyway?

You never hear people ask about how much you Chaos Overhead Lunge.

In my opinion, people obsess over the bench because its what they know.

If you walk into any gym in the world, even Planet Fitness, there will be someone performing some form of bench press.

I mean, it's an exercise anyone can do .... right?


Performing the bench press is not as simple as laying down on a bench and moving a barbell up and down.

Unless you are satisfied with benching your body weight (if so, please immediately click the little "x" at the top right of the screen and never come on this website again), you cannot approach this lift like it is a simple movement.

It requires technique.

It requires discipline.

It requires practice.

I have enclosed two videos for your pleasure.

The first one is a short compilation of clips from one of our bench press sessions.

Unfortunately, we have yet to perfect this movement.

I will expand on this more in a my next post.

The second video is a popular skit from Saturday Night Live called How Much Ya Bench.

If you only care about benching, you should skip to about 3:15.

The funniest thing about this video is that it is really not too far from the truth.

If you stop by Atlas Gym on any Tuesday night, I am pretty sure you will here this same conversation from the guys in our program.


How much ya bench? by Shakey74

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